The View from Pendle Hill

A consideration of the radical nature of the Gospel. Christianity began as a social and political as well as religious revolution. The Magnificat sets a tone which may best be expressed as "the world turned upside down." Jesus was a gadfly to the establishment of His time, and bequeathed the same mentality to His Apostles. They changed the world, and within the lifetime of the last living Apostle, simple Christianity was well on the way to transforming the known world.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

You will learn of me from the writings on the blog. The Gospel is all-important. If we fail to live up to its potential, we have failed to realize our full potential.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

More of the same...

I have had a bad day today. Everything seemed to refer back to Momma and I would just cry and cry. I just wonder when this feeling will pass...
On the political scene, one must wonder how Bush managed to survive to this day. Suddenly, he has become adult about Darfur and then, of course, we need to address his sudden appreciation for the crisis in the climate.
For some odd reason, Bush has decided he ought to adopt a responsible approach toward the rest of the world. It is a bit too late and far too little, but hey! if he wants to pretend he is a caring and compassionate person, if his "friends" and clergy will let him deceive himself in this way, well, I guess there is little I can do to undeceive him and his coterie of idiots. What history will have to say about his moronic "reign" in this republic goes beyond me. Frankly, he is the worst I can remember, and I really thought things could not get worse after Nixon: then we got saddled with Reagan, and that was a swizz, too.
The worst argument against democracy is the recent list of morons, fascists and unnameable others we, as a nation, have elected to public office. The idiocy represented by the recent occupant of the White House (Geoerge W. Bush) is a shame and a scandal to this Republic.
IF we truly elected George Bush, and the jury is still out on that one, we did ourselves (and the world) a terrible disservice.
Al Gore has been on many talk shows representing his newest book, "Assault on Reason." His primary point, so I gather, is that in this nation, the discourse has ceased and we are being talked to or at: we do not join in a conversation! This, of course, is not how one best serves a disparate group in a democracy. It may well suit a dictatorship, but the point of THIS nation's Constitution and our Revolution was and remains the value of EACH person's character and worth. We seem to have slid backward rather than opened more toward the future. Clearly, this Bush moron would prefer a fascist desptism. And, it seems, his many friends and supporters, too, would much prefer a fascist, totalitarian state. Sadly, I regret that the Congress is, for the most part, not inclined to put the brakes on the Bush/Cheney slide into despotism. So, it is for the citizens to raise hell, whether by means of outright, non-violent revolution or the more quiet, though less reliable approach of trusting Congress to uphold the laws and impeach these despicable and evil people.
Feinstein just responded to an email I sent a few weeks ago. You know, it takes forever for them to get on these things, or their aids or whatever...
She was not inclined to endorse my request for the impeachment of Bush/Cheney. It might divide the country, she says. What on Earth does she think leaving that nightmare-idiot in office is doing to this nation? He has not hardly proved himself to be the "uniter" he wanted to be remembered as!
While I know Momma would have voted for Hilary, if she had the chance, I remain a bit skittish. Bill was no friend of the working man and she sat on the Wal-Mart board for six (6) years. What does that say about her commitment to labor and worker's rights? Not much, right! Then, she is prepared to leave health-care to the states. One has to ask, what is she prepared to do about that pesky Social Security? If she thinks the states have the wherewithall to undertake a major health-care program, she is out of the loop. For what do we pay taxes? Just to pay those folks in Congress and the White House? It is a cinch little else is getting any attention, OH...excuse me, the Pentagon, of course, gets the lion's share (at least 40+%) of our tax dollars. For what? We are lied to and bamboozled and we ought not to be happy about this. But, again, until WE, the People, get angry and demand a change, nothing will change.
As Gandhi says, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." If we don't begin to live for higher goals and aspirations, we can expect nothing to alter. We will grow old and die, but nothing will change and the tragic reality is that we will leave a desperate Earth for our children to try to correct, and frankly, I don't see that happening. By that time, too much damage will have been done and there will be no correcting the mess - the tipping point will have been exceeded.
God have mercy on us.
And that is what this moron, George Bush, following in Reagan's footsteps, has bequeathed us. He is not entirely at fault, of course, but that he has done nothing, NOTHING, to stop or even prevent this depredation is inexcusable. On the other hand, Congress and the general electorate bear some responsibility. What did these greedy idiots think will happen? I cannot even imagine how this mess will be corrected, but by then, if I am lucky, I will be dead and gone home. What the corporate greed dictates and demands will have pushed the environment and the people into such a tragic corner that no amount of struggle will reverse the disaster. We are on the Titanic and we have struck the iceberg - and we are busily re-arranging the deck chairs. Our sole hope is that we can get into a lifeboat and row far enough away from the liner. God's Creation has been treated so abominably, we will be lucky to escape with God's mercy. We surely do not want to risk HIS Justice. If we do not repent and make a new beginning, what we get will be what we deserve, and that won't be very nice.
Again, I do not think we can tolerate the Justice of the Most High. We need to beg HIS Mercy and live according to HIS dictates, not the dictates of so petty a person as Bush or Cheney or any of that ilk.
Nannie always said we ought not to pray for God's Justice, since no man can endure God's justice. We must always pray for God's Mercy.
Kyrie, eleison.


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