The View from Pendle Hill

A consideration of the radical nature of the Gospel. Christianity began as a social and political as well as religious revolution. The Magnificat sets a tone which may best be expressed as "the world turned upside down." Jesus was a gadfly to the establishment of His time, and bequeathed the same mentality to His Apostles. They changed the world, and within the lifetime of the last living Apostle, simple Christianity was well on the way to transforming the known world.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

You will learn of me from the writings on the blog. The Gospel is all-important. If we fail to live up to its potential, we have failed to realize our full potential.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Life goes on, not always with optimum results. Still, what can one hope for? We are not promised that we will have an easy time of it, only that we will be sustained and supported through the experience! Life is a chancey business, but most everyone seems to want it to be a clean-cut and compartmentalized business. WELL! Clearly, things don't always work the way we want.
This is over a year since Momma left and still I am not over the thinking and grieving, though I must admit I am not crying like I used, nor am I as distraught as I was through most of last year.
I sleep better, except my joint pain is severe many nights. It is hard to find a comfortable position to sleep, since the hips are pretty much in contact with anything one wants to sit or lie upon. Not so easy a situation as one might hope!
The mental grief has eased some, but the physical collapse is on-going, which offers no happiness at all.
After a month and a half off-line, I wrote to Pelosi today, and did promise to be kinder in future. I just had no reason to be so mean, except that the situation in our government warrants a firm hand and tends to make one severe, even bitter, on occasion.
Clearly, the silly fools we elected earlier, with few exceptions, are just not protecting us.
Well, OK. I guess I can live with that - they have prostituted themselves - so long as I can communicate and I WILL try to be lighter of spirit and kinder in tone, though the message will not be diminished thereby.
It is surprising how many elected officials seem content to deal with the status quo, and then be hurt when the electorate catch wise and vote them out. Gee, corruption, lies and ineffectual representation...isn't that cause enough to toss the bums out?
I was listening to Wexler's questioning of Rice, and later, Mukasey, today. What a pack of liars. Rice seems to forget we, too, sat through the hearings and some of us recall that she did, indeed, know other information than she purports NOW to have "told the American people."
I am so sick of these liars and corrupt politicians. It is time to haul them all out and do what has been the time honored payment for corrupt politicians...I leave that to your imagination.
I'll fry up some chicken and pack a hamper!
What was particularly amusing today, seeing Rice's indignation at her integrity called into question, was her high dudgeon at the mere notion that SHE had prevaricated! Imagine. The very idea! Gee! Wonder where WE got the idea that all she said was NOT the truth?
Gracious me, the entire Bush administration, so nearly as I can tell, lied through their teeth to scare us into submission.
Do these morons think we invent all the stuff we say? How stupid do they think we are?
Well, clearly, pretty stupid. It is time to turn the tables on these liars and despicable murderers. How much more can the Constitution tolerate?
And of course, the hearings are a matter of public record, which means that they will almost certainly be caught up in their lies, farther down the road.
Bush may try to hide all his lies, corruptions, thefts and other breaches of his office...but it is hoped that WE, the PEOPLE will not tolerate his escaping into peaceful oblivion not having paid the full price for his "choices."
And Dick Cheney? Well, let happen to him what must happen. I could not care less. Cheney and his family certainly don't care about me and I guess I don't care about them - they are cruel hypocrites!
We need a change in the way we do government in this country!
Certainly, the status quo has proved less than satisfactory. In point of fact, the status quo has provided for all manner of corruption and depredation...but much of this is that the people are too trusting and accepting of what their elected officials tell them. We, as a nation, appear to be deliberately uninformed, if not out-right stupid! The ordinary person seems not to read the official transcripts and watch the videos from the by-standers in the galleries. The wonderful fact is that we have the advantage of seeing true history being made, in real time. We have the advantage of seeing true history in the making and instead we seem to prefer what we THINK should be the course of events, instead of what ACTUALLY is the course of events!
The Republic of the United States is not some creamy confection. It is a concrete and (formerly) well-respected state which intervened when human rights were trampled, when need, well, we are a shameful lot!
It is abominable that we, a reasonably intelligent and, one would have thought, informed nation, have permitted such scandals and lies to go unchallenged for these 6 1/2 years.
We seem to ignore or forget that, in this country, it NOT being either a monarchy or a dictatorship, WE are responsible for the decisions of the government, whether for good or ill - as the benefits are (hopefully) shared, so, too, are the burdens and responsibilities.
This is a representative democracy! We send representatives to DC to act in our names, collectively. What these reps. do, IN OUR NAME, we are culpable of.
The government is, after all, US. We are not a direct democracy - each vote does not carry full weight, does not really count. Instead, the overall vote is what seems to matter, though this does not mean true consensus, either.
True consensus (with which Friends are passing familiar) infers that we have sat together, day after day, and hammered out the details of a law, motion or statement. We have worked at the fine points and finally arrived at a definition which speaks to all of us. Instead, we have frequently half the vote swept under the carpet, without anyone asking why or where?
Is this any way to run a country?
Given the recent revelations and turn of events, the only unequivocal response must be - NO!
The mess in DC must be laid at our feet, since we did not march into the "sacred confines" of the White House and haul that usurper off his throne and suggest to his wife she make herself scarce if she wanted to survive, 'cos he was going for a little swing in the Mall.
But, no, justice has not been sought and, therefore, injustice must be endured.
Americans are too polite...well this breed, anyway. The earlier batch, Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Adams, etc. had no problem with standing up to, and protesting the established monarchy given that they spied on them, when they over-taxed without a reasonable return/exchange on the tax, when they billetted soldiers in their homes...
Now, that Bush adminstration provides protection for a private army, some brownshirts and we are supposed to subsidize them?...HELLO! AMERICA! WAKE UP! Dictatorship is just around the corner and you all think life is hunky-dory! Houston, we have a problem!
With Obama's election in 11th month, hope resurfaced in the continent. Much work has yet to be done, but with the good god's graces on us, we will survive.


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