The View from Pendle Hill

A consideration of the radical nature of the Gospel. Christianity began as a social and political as well as religious revolution. The Magnificat sets a tone which may best be expressed as "the world turned upside down." Jesus was a gadfly to the establishment of His time, and bequeathed the same mentality to His Apostles. They changed the world, and within the lifetime of the last living Apostle, simple Christianity was well on the way to transforming the known world.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

You will learn of me from the writings on the blog. The Gospel is all-important. If we fail to live up to its potential, we have failed to realize our full potential.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Vissi d'arte

The treatment of the artist in the US is perhaps not very gracious.

We will pay some basketball player millions of $$ but pay no attention to the trained artist, the singer, the intuitive artist who leads our souls on a vision-quest.

I'll grant that the artist may have a somewhat longer life than a sportsperson, and opera houses are not usually able to seat 50,000 souls, like many sports venues. Still...I'm not persuaded the sight of a group of men pummelling each other, in a war-like attempt to score goals (capture the hill, take prisoners), is actually ennobling!

Indeed, quite the contrary seems the result.

Are we cretins, utterly devoid of souls? Or is it that we are so deluded, so convinced that being tethered to a desk all day long, in some soul-numbing exercise in futility is of value and the end purpose of our lives!

One does this solely to make money for the CEOs, CFOs, etc., because, despite the work YOU do, none of that money shows up in your pay-packet! So, one needs to ask, how much value DO you have? Not much according to the pay-master. This is tragic.


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